
Writing a Cover Letter for a Manuscript Submission

How to Write a Cover Letter for Paper Submission?

Let me give you a brief about cover letter. What is a cover letter? A cover letter contains a small brief about yourself, reason why you have written a cover letter and to drag the reader’s attention towards the attached file you have sent. The purpose of writing a cover letter for a journal submission is that you have to force the reader’s attention towards your article. In this cover letter you give a brief introduction about yourself than you tell about your article its important points and why you think that your article can be published in their journal. A cover letter should be of one page not to long not to short.

Main points to include in a Cover Letter for a Manuscript Submission

Before proceeding for writing a cover letter, you have to do some research for the journal you have chosen for your article through IFA (Instructions For Author) to check the relevant information about the journal and you also have to include it in your cover letter. This will include a list of apposite articles written by your co authors.

How to write a Cover Letter for a Manuscript Submission? 

There is a particular format for writing a cover letter for manuscript submission.

  1. Header: In which you will mention your name.
  2. Greet the journal manager: Before proceeding to the first part of writing any letter you have to greet the reader to leave a good impression of yourself.
  3. First paragraph: It will be your intro, you will explain yourself.
  4. Second paragraph: It is also said as the body part of the letter. You will give a concise detail about your article and the reason why it should be published in their journal.
  5. Third paragraph: Now you will close the letter with the formalities of thanking them to read your letter.

Don’t forget to mention your contact details in the end.

Cover Letter Example Example of Cover Letter. Cover Letter Template

Important key points to be included in Cover Letter for a Manuscript Submission

  • Editors name
  • Your Article title
  • The name of the journal whom you are submitting your article
  • You have to write a statement that the article you have written is not in consideration of any other publisher and your article hasn’t published anywhere else.
  • Also mention the concise description about the research you have done for your article and the research you have mentioned in your article how it is important for the reader to read and publish.
  • Your contact information should also be mentioned in your cover letter so that if they have any query related to your article or related to you they can easily get in touch with you.
  • Also give a statement that you have no conflicts to enclose.

You may be interested to read about How to write a Review Article?

Not to-do things while Writing a  Cover Letter 

  • Don’t be lazy. Giving a brief about your article doesn’t mean you will copy paste the abstract in the cover letter. Be professional and write the brief of your article in your own words.
  • Don’t use any short forms ( example:bcz,btw,etc) or words that are informal. Keep it to the point and simple.
  • Don’t write a two or three pages long cover letter.
  • Avoid punctuation mistakes, spelling error.
  • Before finalizing your cover letter do re-check.

Download Cover Letter example here

Dr. Bano

Dr.Bano is our guest Author . She Has won Different scholarships nationally and Internationally. Her mission is to guide new students about foreign Scholarships, Fellowships and Grants. We are very pleased to have her as our guest Author.

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