
World Bank Winter Internship 2023-2024

World Bank Scholarships

 The World Bank Winter Internship Program 2023 offers a unique opportunity to those who wish to gain knowledge in an international workplace. The World Bank internship 2023 is planned to be useful for people who are beginning their careers since the program imposes the challenges of life on the interns. In addition, students interning at the World Bank get to discover the purpose of the bank by being a part of the bank’s projects. This paid international internship will provide the skills and expertise of the interns.

It is open to highly skilled and successful individuals. Their creative ideas and processes within their respective fields assist the bank achieve its vision. Additionally, to make an inclusive effect, the most prestigious internship program assists international interns to find effective ways to improve their resumes for future opportunities. It is therefore an opportunity for participants to be part of a group of highly educated experts and professionals. The principal goal for this WB internship is to bring together the top minds of the world within a single company.

For the World Bank international internship for students The bank is looking at inviting applicants from various areas. They can include operations, as well as corporate support. However it is important to note that the World Bank Group internship opportunity is contingent on the availability of projects in the respective fields. Since its founding it has been working in a variety of fields. World Bank has been working across all fields which is vital to the stability and prosperity of middle-income and low-income countries. The Bank remains in touch with local groups as well as the country’s financial and economic circumstances to provide an extensive analysis. They World Bank interns, therefore understand the fundamentals of their work, which will be beneficial to their travels to non-theoretical work.

There are many opportunities for internships at the World Bank. World Bank internships are mostly Washington D.C.-based internships, however typically, the interns work in various WB countries. The four-month, paid internship program, there’s an excellent opportunity for international students to have their names engraved in an initiative which has the potential to transform the future in the global community. Furthermore, World Bank is a highly regarded international institution recognized for its diversity The interns enjoy an increased scope of choice for understanding diverse cultures as well as distinct work practices. Thus, the paid internship gives the most opportunities for interns to apply their own research experiences into a project that they can actually use and it is the best way to succeed in all area.

World Bank Winter Internship Program 2023-2024:


  • USA

Host Organization:

  • The World Bank

Financial Benefits of the World Bank Winter Internship Program 2023:

  • The World Bank will pay a pay-on-hour basis for every intern.
  • An allowance for travel up to $3000 is provided. (if applicable)
  • The interns will offer their own perspective as an expert on the assignments.
  • Interns will receive an impressive point to add to their resume.

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Eligibility Criteria of the World Bank Winter Internship 2023:

  • Candidates must hold college degrees.
  • The applicant must be currently fully enrolled student in a graduate program, either master’s or Ph.D.
  • There is no age limit. the age of an individual.
  • Females and males are both eligible to apply, however, females are encouraged to apply to apply for this position.
  • There is no limit in the field of academics. Students from all academic backgrounds are welcome to apply.
  • The applicant should be fluent in English.
  • If the applicant is a native of any other language that is not WB it is an advantage.

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How to Apply for the World Bank Internship Program?

  • The applicants must submit their application online, by filling out an online WB Internship application.
  • Be sure to give all of your personal details accurately.
  • The application should be submitted entirely in one go.
  • The time for applying is 90 minutes.
  • Upload all required documents in doc, dox or PDF format.
  • Each file should not exceed 5 megabytes.
  • Avoid using special characters like *,$,@, # and your application.
  • Enter the exact and complete phone number (country code plus city code and number).
  • Once your application has been accepted, you cannot modify it.
  • After successful submission A confirmation email will be sent out.

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Required Documents for the World Bank Winter Internship 2023:

  • CV
  • Proof of Enrollment
  • Statement of Interest.

World Bank Internship Application Deadline:

  • The deadline for applications for the internship is October 31, 2022.




Rizwan is a Guest Writer for He has Master's Degree in Tourism and Hospitality. He Helps students in his free time about fully Funded scholarships .

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