
Guidelines to Writing your first Article with zero Experience!

Article writing Guidelines

If you have started your journey in the writing industry, then this is surely good news for you. But before you start your celebrations, you should probably focus on some tips that would help you create your first article. Stepping into the writing fraternity is not a big achievement. 

Your achievement would be writing your first article so that it creates goodwill for your name. You should understand that your first article is the first impression that you will put in front of clients and other agencies looking for fresh and professional writers.

If you have gotten your first client or order for writing an article and don’t know how to do so in the right way, we suggest you read this guidepost. This guidepost will tell you all about the best way to create your first article without any experience.

Tips for newbie writers for creating first articles without experience

Here we have listed some tips that can help you write an article without any formal experience.

Spend ample time on reading and research

Reading is very important if you want to be a good content writer. You can never create good quality content if you are not a good reader. So when you are planning on creating your first article, we suggest you start reading the sources that are relevant to the topic you have to write on. Reading is a part of the research, and research is very important for creating unique and good-quality informative articles. If you don’t want to put a bad impression on your clients, you need to make sure that your article is well researched. You have to read different sources related to the topic you have to write on and collect all the key points that you need to focus on.

Craft a proper outline that would capture the reader’s attention 

In content writing, the format of your articles matters a lot. If the article you submit has no format, then it will get rejected by the clients and the readers. This is why we would recommend you create an outline before starting the writing process. The outline of the article would help you write content according to a certain plan. In the outline, you would use headings and subheadings that would capture the interest of the readers. We would urge you to focus on creating headlines and subheadings that are informative and appealing to the common reader. Also, make sure that the outline is extremely relevant to the topic of the article. 

Write your article in a single session 

One of the most important tips in article writing would be to complete the creativity and writing process in one shot. A common error that newbie writers make is creating content in pieces and using paraphrasing techniques to create a major part of their articles. Well, you must know that the best article would be the one you would write in a single session without any help. We urge you to read and research before writing to write your thoughts and understanding about the topic without any distractions. Writing your article in a single session would save you a lot of time and help you avoid plagiarism.

Use visual content in your article to improve its flow

Images are very important for articles. You have to make sure that your content is visually attractive. This is because today, the attention span of readers is very short. If you want to make sure that your readers stay tuned with your article until the very last sentence, you need to get relevant images and align them with your post. You can use a modern-day reverse image search technique to find royalty-free images for your articles.

Always proofread your article after completing the writing process

Once you have completed the writing process, you must check your work for human errors and plagiarism. Even the most expert writers can have silly mistakes and plagiarism in their work, so you must check your articles before submission or publication. Today you have the facility of online plagiarism checker and grammar checker resources that can proofread your articles. We understand that budget can be a restraining factor while using online tools; well, you must know that today you have access to plagiarism checker free resources that are capable of checking your articles for plagiarism. Using an online plagiarism detector is very important for a writer who wants to ensure that their work is 100% original. Submitting duplicate content is going to ruin your reputation in the industry and will end your journey soon. This is why we would urge you to keep proofreading and free plagiarism checker always handy!

These are some of the expert tips that can help you create a good quality article that would surely win the trust and interest of your readers!

Dr. Bano

Dr.Bano is our guest Author . She Has won Different scholarships nationally and Internationally. Her mission is to guide new students about foreign Scholarships, Fellowships and Grants. We are very pleased to have her as our guest Author.

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