AssessmentPakistan Studies

Grade 9 Pakistan Studies Worksheets

Task sheets for Grade IX, AKU-EB, Pakistan Studies Students

Following are Pakistan Studies worksheets developed with a view to providing an opportunity for Grade 9 students of Aga Khan University Education Board (AKU-EB) to practice and self-assess their learning related to Land, Climate, and Environment.

The worksheets will also be helpful for teachers who engage students in group activities as part of collaborative learning. Teachers can also use them as tools to evaluate whether learning objectives have been achieved or not.


In the left column in the table given below are some headings related to the importance of rivers in Pakistan.  Explain the relevant role of rivers on the right column against each heading.

The first one has been done for you.

Promotion of Tourism Rivers increase the natural beauty of any area. Areas with rivers act as good picnic points and help promote tourism.
Generation of hydroelectricity
Domestic and Industrial use
Land fertility


Task -2

In the table given below, the statements on the right define the factors that influence the climate of Pakistan. Write the appropriate term in the left column against its definition in the right.

The first one has been done for you.

Latitudinal effect The effect of distance from the equator on climate.
Any form of water that falls from clouds falls on the surface of the earth.
The season in which cool humid winds blow from south to west and dry warm winds blow from north to south.
The difference between the highest and the lowest points (elevations) in a given area. Both elevations are measured from sea level.
Cyclones that originate in the Mediterranean sea, travel across Afghanistan and Iran then reach the Western areas of Pakistan in winters.


The table given below shows four main climatic regions of Pakistan on its left. Mention at least four salient features for each climatic region/zone on the right.

The first one has been done for you.

Climatic Region/zone

Salient features

Highland Climate 1.      Summers are long short and mild
Low land Climate
Arid Climate
Coastal Climate



Given below are the effects of climate on people living in different climatic regions of Pakistan.

  • Wear thick and rough clothes and a turban to protect themselves from hot winds.
  • Limited job opportunities and economic activities are difficult to carry out due to extreme cold.
  • The main source of livelihood is fishing.
  • Crops are cultivated both in summer and winter called Kharif crops and Rabi crops respectively.
  • Thunderstorms
  • The majority of people move from one place to another place in search of water for themselves and for their cattle.
  • Economic activities are carried out throughout the year due to moderate climate. Seaports are open throughout the year.
  • Transhumance (moving the flocks to the cooler highland in summer and returning to the plains in winters) is practiced.


Mention each effect in the boxes under the relevant climatic region in the table given below.

Highland Climate

Low land  Climate

Arid Climate/desert climate

Coastal Climate/Maritime Climate





Given on the right in the table below are descriptions as to how climate change is caused. Mention the human activity against each description that acts as a source of pollution and causes climate change.

Smoke is released into the atmosphere due to the use of fossils fuels use in farm machinery e.g. tractors, combined harvesters, trimmers, cultivators. This smoke contains greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) which cause global warming.
In factories, different goods are manufactured. During this manufacturing process greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) are emitted into the air. These gases cause global warming.
Reduction in forested areas causes an increase in the amount of Carbon dioxide (CO2) which being a greenhouse gas causes global warming.


State the type of pollution (in the mid) and explain (on left) how each type the pollution is caused due to substances given in the left column.

Sources of pollution Type of pollution caused How does these substance/s cause pollution
Industrial emissions
Human waste


  • Destruction of eco-system
  • Destruction of standing crops due to floods
  • Degradation of crop farms
  • Diseases e.g. asthma, respiratory issues, cancer
  • Loss of habitat
  • Disturbance in the food chain

Write above given problems under the relevant category of problems caused by pollution.

Health Problems Agricultural Problems Environmental Problems








Describe (on the right) how each of the problems as mentioned on the left in the table given below are caused.



Habitat Loss
Diseases e.g. asthma, respiratory diseases, cancer
Disturbance in the food chain
Degradation of crop farms
Destruction of standing crops



  1. State the likely impact of global warming on Pakistan in the middle column with help of given hints on the left.
  2. Provide your justification on the right column.

The first is already done for you.


Potential impact


Glaciers Meltdown of glaciers When the earth’s temperature will keep on increasing, it will cause glaciers to meltdown with increasing speed.



Standing crops, livestock  



Human life and property  






Sea level  



Impact on coastal areas  





  1. Make headings (on the left) for the remedial steps (in the mid) that can be taken to reduce the impact of global warming
  2. Justify on the right of the table given below how each of these remedial steps will be effective in overcoming global warming.


Suggested Remedies


Switch off lights, laptops, TV, etc. before going to bed or outside the home.
Use public transport instead of private transport
Do not burn plastics, shoppers, tires, etc.
Govt. should take steps to plant more and more trees all over the country.
Make use of renewable energy resources e.g. Wind, solar, and hydel for power generation.
Air filters should be installed with industries.


Content Generator

I am a social activist and educationist. I write on politics, culture, education and economy.

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